Karabin Sans

Project with company

September, 2022 until August, 2023

Sans consisted of experienced designers in UX and service design in Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø. In Sans we worked on having a positive impact on the world and challenges around us by designing documentable wins and results for our customers. In Sans I have had the opportunity to work with projects together with Azets, Helse Bergen, Haukeland sykehus and Pharmaq Fishteq.

UX and sustainability project internally in Sans to create more awareness for designers how much they can impact sustainability. See some insights here:

Slide about UX and sustainability
Global internet usage makes up around 3.7% of global CO2 emissions. This figure is also equal to the CO2 emissions of all the air traffic around the world. If internet was a country, it would be like Germany and that means it would be the 6th biggest polluter among countries. What can UX design do to reduce the emissions of internet and digital products we use?
Dark mode and dark backgroundsUsing dark colors and minimizing the use of bright, white backgrounds can reduce the amount of energy required to power the display.
UX design can be used to encourage sustainable habits and behaviors among users.
Push notifications can be an effective way to keep users engaged, but they can also consume a lot of energy. By optimizing push notifications and minimizing their frequency, designers can help to reduce energy consumption.
It does that in the following factors: Inclusion and social sustainability Longevity and durability Energy efficiency Resource efficiency Economic sustainability By incorporating universal design principles into product development, designers can create products that are both inclusive and environmentally and socially responsible, promoting a more sustainable future for everyone.