Video and animation

Work out of passion

February, 2017 until April, 2018

The first video is a video I made for school is about our performance society and I am very proud of. I didn't follow the assignment we had completely, so in the end I could never use it for school but something about it, makes me proud of it. This video shows how I think about this big topic that we all deal with. I made it in After Effects and Premiere Pro. The drawings are sketches made in Paper 53, which is an app for iPad and iPhone. I learned a lot about After Effects and a little more about animation.

For my little photo experiment with Lizzy, I created a short promo video. I posted this as a story on instagram.

In Heerlen (Netherlands) is a café called de Poort van Herle. The owner asked me and Loes, a good friend of mine if we wanted to help him win a contest. Brand beer send him a letter asking him to post how he celebrates spring. We thought this through and filmed a video with all the other beer bottle of Brand and give them the chance to say how they celebrate spring. I was surprised he completely trusted us to come up with an good idea. He was very happy with what we came up with. The shots are not perfect but the endresult is quite cool, don't you think?